ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys Secure $7.5 Million Settlement For Premature Baby

This case involved failure to assign a neonatal team to care for issues relating to prematurity. The plaintiff minor sought compensatory damages from the defendant hospital, doctors and nurses on claims of neonatal medical malpractice.

This is a claim for neonatal medical malpractice in which the plaintiff claims that the defendants violated the standard of care by not timely and correctly treating this 31-week premature neonate’s respiratory distress syndrome, or RDS. Shortly after birth, the neonate showed signs of RDS, which required promptly placing the baby on CPAP and then timely intubating and administering surfactant when it was clear the baby was not improving. As a result, the infant suffered a complete cardiopulmonary arrest and has suffered permanent paraplegia.

Plaintiff’s law firm provided case information.

Type of action: Medical malpractice

Injuries alleged: Paraplegia

Settlement amount: $7,500,000

Most helpful expert: InFocus Research Group, Inc.

Attorneys for plaintiff: Jesse M. Reiter, Anne L. Randall, James R. McCullen, Bloomfield Hills