- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Disability Advocacy Scholarship
- Abogados Reconocidos Expertos en Lesiones de Nacimiento
- ¿Cómo respiran los bebés en el vientre materno y cómo se quedan sin oxígeno?
- ¿Cómo saber si mi bebé tiene sufrimiento fetal agudo?
- ¿Cuáles son los primeros signos y síntomas de la parálisis cerebral?
- ¿Cuáles son los signos de parálisis cerebral en recién nacidos?
- ¿Las convulsiones en bebés indican una lesión en el nacimiento?
- ¿Por qué la cabeza de mi bebé se ve deformada?
- ¿Qué es un cefalohematoma?
- ¿Qué significa que mi bebé no llore al nacer?
- Abogados de Michigan Expertos en Parálisis Cerebral
- Abogados expertos en Lesiones de Nacimiento de Ohio
- Acerca de Nuestra Firma | Abogados Expertos en Lesiones de Nacimiento de Michigan Ayudando a Clientes en todo Estados Unidos
- Anemia en Bebés Recién Nacidos
- Betametasona
- Betametasona para Disminuir Riesgos en Nacimientos Prematuros
- Convulsiones en un bebé (convulsiones neonatales) y lesiones de nacimiento
- Daño cerebral neonatal y resultados a largo plazo
- Desprendimiento de la Placenta y Lesiones al Nacer
- Diagnóstico de la Asfixia de Nacimiento (Encefalopatía Isquémica Hipóxica)
- Distocia de Hombros
- Efectos a Largo Plazo de la Asfixia de Nacimiento
- Encefalopatía Neonatal Causada por el Cordón Nucal
- Errores de Anestesia y Lesiones Congénitas
- Errores de Reanimación Neonatal
- Evaluación de Riesgos de Parálisis y Retraso en el Desarrollo
- Expertos en Encefalopatía Neonatal y Asfixia de Nacimiento
- Fugas de líquido amniótico y lesiones de nacimiento
- Hematoma subgaleal neonatal
- Hemorragias Cerebrales y Traumatismo de Nacimiento
- Hipoglucemia Neonatal (Bajo Nivel de Azúcar en la Sangre)
- Inducción de Pitocina y Lesiones en el Nacimiento
- Infecciones del Tracto Urinario (UTI) en el Embarazo
- Infecciones Maternal y Lesiones de Nacimiento
- Infecciones Maternas Corioamnionitis y Villitis
- Lesiones cerebrales por falta de oxigeno en los bebés
- Lesiones de Nacimiento
- Lesiones de nacimiento por compresión cerebral y moldeado excesivo de la cabeza
- Lesiones por Desproporción Cefalopélvica (CPD)
- Lesiones y Hemorragias Causadas por el Fórceps en el Parto
- Monitoreo fetal inadecuado
- Nacimiento de nalgas
- Nacimiento Injusto
- Negligencia Médica Infantil – Una Mala Práctica Médica
- Nudo Verdadero que Causa la Encefalopatía Isquémica Hipóxica (HIE) y Parálisis Cerebral
- Oligohidramnios (líquido amniótico bajo)
- Placenta Previa y Lesiones en el Nacimiento
- Posición Fetal Anormal y Presentación del Bebé
- Preguntas Frecuentes sobre las Lesiones de Nacimiento
- Presentación de Cara y Lesión de Nacimiento
- Presentación de la frente y lesión de nacimiento
- Problemas en la Respiración de Recién Nacidos
- Prolapso del cordón umbilical y lesiones por compresión
- Recursos
- Resultados de Nuestros Casos | Veredictos y Arreglos por Traumas y Lesiones de Nacimiento en ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers
- Retrasos del desarrollo
- Ruptura uterina y lesiones de nacimiento
- Señales de advertencia de cuellos uterinos incompetentes para prevenir partos prematuros
- Si Tengo Sangrado Durante el Embarazo, ¿Podría esto Lastimar a mi Bebé?
- Signos de Parálisis Cerebral
- Test de Apgar
- Todo sobre la corioamnionitis y las “infecciones intrauterinas”
- Trabajo de Parto Prolongado y Sección C Retrasada
- Tratamientos y Terapias para la Parálisis Cerebral Espástica
- About the Firm: Birth Injury Attorneys
- Acupuncture as a Cerebral Palsy Treatment
- Anemia in Infants
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Cerebral Palsy
- Birth Injuries
- Birth Injuries from Cerebral Compression and Excessive Head Molding
- Birth Injury Malpractice Attorneys
- Birth Injury Statistics & Facts
- Cerebral Palsy and Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Cognitive Impairments Associated with Cerebral Palsy
- Community Involvement at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers
- Contact
- Developmental Issues: Speech, Language, and Learning Disabilities
- Disclaimer
- Email Us
- Facial Nerve Palsy and Birth Trauma
- Failure to Progess and Prolonged Phases of Labor
- Finding the Best HIE Lawyer For your Child
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Helpful Contacts | Birth Injury Organizations
- Introducing the Reiter HIE Research Fund!
- Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for Cerebral Palsy
- Medical Malpractice Lawyers Discuss Birth Injuries & Obstetrical Emergencies
- Million Dollar Advocates Forum
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
- Nuchal Cord: Umbilical Cord Wrapped Around Baby’s Neck
- Planned Early Delivery
- Planned Early Delivery in High-Risk Pregnancies
- Preventing Birth Defects
- Resources for children with birth injuries and their families
- Scholarships
- Sitemap
- Skin-to-skin contact and sudden unexpected postnatal collapse (SUPC)
- Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
- Spinal Cord Injury and Birth Trauma
- States
- States We Serve
- StyleGuide
- Thank You
- The Birth Injury Blog
- The Intake Process
- Transverse Fetal Lie
- Treatments for Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Twins, Birth Injuries, and Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Types of Umbilical Cord Problems
- Umbilical Cord Compression
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse & Compression Injuries
- Undiagnosed & Untreated Pregnancy Infections can cause Encephalitis, Sepsis, Meningitis & Cerebral Palsy in a Newborn
- Vasa Previa
- Verdicts And Settlements
- Video Library
- Flexible Content
- Privacy Policy
- Home Page
Team Member
- Rebecca S. Walsh, J.D.
- Jennifer Secorski, J.D.
- James R. McCullen, J.D.
- Lesley Atton, RN, BSN
- Linda Tyszka, RN
- Janelle Daniel, RNC-OB
- Anne Randall, J.D.
- Jesse M. Reiter, J.D.
Practice Area
- Types of Cerebral Palsy
- Vision Impairments from Birth Injuries
- Vision Problems Associated with Cerebral Palsy
- Treating Spastic Cerebral Palsy with a Baclofen Pump
- Treating Cerebral Palsy with Adeli Suit Therapy
- Obesity During Pregnancy & Birth Injuries
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for HIE
- Prenatal (Before Birth) and Labor and Delivery Birth Injuries
- Birth Injury Attorneys at ABC Law Centers Secure $4 Million Settlement
- $7.5 Million Settlement Secured by ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys
- ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys Secure $8 Million Settlement For Child with HIE and Cerebral Palsy
- ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys Secure $7.5 Million Settlement For Premature Baby
- ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys Secure $9.5 Million Settlement For Child With HIE
- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Secure Settlement for Child With HIE and Cerebral Palsy
- ABC Law Centers Secures $9 Million Settlement for Child With HIE
- ABC Law Centers Birth Injury Attorneys Secure $11 Million Settlement For Negligence Claim
- Can labor drugs such as Pitocin and Cytotec cause hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)?
- Can my baby’s heart rate be monitored during a C-section?
- Can jaundice cause kernicterus and cerebral palsy?
- Can Jaundice Cause Brain Damage?
- Can Forceps Cause Brain Injuries?
- Assistive Technology for Cerebral Palsy
- Can Labor Drugs Such as Pitocin and Cytotec Cause Birth Injuries?
- Cerebral Palsy Life Expectancy
- Birth Injury Glossary
- What Is a Statute of Limitations?
- Paying For Therapy
- Using Medicaid During Pregnancy
- Health Insurance for Children with Disabilities
- Special Education
- Medical Malpractice Law: Ancient History to Recent Controversies
- Education Assistance
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) & Birth Injury
- How To Pronounce Kernicterus
- How to Pronounce Jaundice
- Michigan Attorney Discusses Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury
- How to Pronounce Nuchal Cord
- What is a Nuchal Cord?
- Delivery Room Errors and Birth Injury
- Pursuing a Birth Injury Case
Landing Page
- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Cerebral Palsy Scholarship
- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Disability Advocacy Scholarship Winner
- 2020 Winner of the ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Cerebral Palsy Scholarship
- 2019 ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Cerebral Palsy Scholarship Winner
- Congratulations to Ronald P., Winner of the 4th Annual Birth Trauma, Neonatal Injury, and Disability Scholarship!
- 2020 Cerebral Palsy Scholarship Winner
- Congratulations to Amber, our 2021 Cerebral Palsy Scholarship Winner!
- Congratulations to Cathryn Gray, our 2021 Disability Advocacy Scholarship Winner!
- Columbus Birth Injury Lawyer
- Detroit Birth Injury Lawyer
- Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys
- Grand Rapids Birth Injury Lawyers
- Alabama Birth Injury Lawyers
- Kentucky Birth Injury Lawyers
- New Mexico HIE Lawyers
- Indiana Birth Injury Lawyers
- Birth Injury Glossary
- What Is a Statute of Limitations?
- Paying For Therapy
- Using Medicaid During Pregnancy
- Health Insurance for Children with Disabilities
- Special Education
- Medical Malpractice Law: Ancient History to Recent Controversies
- Education Assistance
Birth Injury
- What causes birth injuries?
- What Type of Compensation Can My Family Receive After a Birth Injury?
- What is a Pregnancy Negligence Claim, and Do I Have One?
- Addressing PTSD in NICU Parents
- Can Infant Seizures Cause Brain Injuries?
- How Does Noise Affect the Health of NICU Babies?
- Bulging Fontanelle
- 10 Coping Tips for NICU Parents
- Neonatal Staphylococcal Infection (Staph Infection)
- What Does it Mean if My Baby Doesn’t Cry at Birth?
- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Secures Largest Birth Injury Settlement in Michigan for 2020 ($11 Million)
- Misperceptions About Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
- Recent Study Finds Benefits of ECMO during Therapeutic Hypothermia for Infants with HIE
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
- E. Coli, GBS Responsible for 64% of Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis
- Cesarean Section at 39 Weeks Reduces the Risk for Neonatal Encephalopathy, Shoulder Dystocia, Fetal Trauma and Intrauterine Fetal Demise
- Misuse of Pitocin & Cytotec and Delayed Resuscitation cause Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), Intellectual Disabilities & Cerebral Palsy in a Baby.
- Baby suffers birth asphyxia & brain damage caused by delayed C-section when uterine rupture & umbilical cord prolapse occurred.
- Failure to timely perform a C-section in the presence of premature rupture of membranes and severe fetal distress causes periventricular leukomalacia and cerebral palsy in baby
- New drug (high concentration Cytotec) promoted for faster labor and delivery also increases likelihood of birth injuries
- Baby is severely oxygen deprived during birth and suffers permanent brain damage as a result of physicians misusing Pitocin and failing to quickly deliver the baby, despite non-reassuring fetal heart tones.
- Birth Injury May be Responsible for Developmental Delays in Some Children
- Neonatal Meningitis
Cerebral Palsy
- Dysphagia and Cerebral Palsy
- Mixed Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Palsy and Nutrition
- Low Apgar Scores Linked to Cerebral Palsy
- Hippotherapy and Equine Therapy Programs in Michigan
- United Cerebral Palsy
- Topographical Classification of Cerebral Palsy
- Comparing Cerebral Palsy to Other Motor Disorders
- New Treatment for Cerebral Palsy: M2 Macrophage Transplantation Improves Motor and Cognitive Function
- Rhythmic Auditory Cueing May Improve Gait in People with Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Palsy: Environmental and Genetic Factors
- Assistive Equipment That Can Help People with Cerebral Palsy Write
- Mismanagement of Placenta Previa & Delayed C-Section Delivery Cause Baby to have Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) & Cerebral Palsy
- Development of a Drug to Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Newborns
- Resources for Siblings of Children with Disabilities
- Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
- What is an Orthosis?
- Adopting Kids with Disabilities: Organizations Making a Difference
- Handling Seizures in the Classroom
- Adaptive Activities for Kids with Cerebral Palsy
- Celebrating the 4th of July: Tips for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders
- Michigan Virtual Disability Supports During Isolation and Quarantine
- Relationships Between Parents of Children with Disabilities
- Involuntary Sterilization of Disabled Americans: An Historical Overview
- Sensory-Friendly Movies and Entertainment
- Adaptive Eating Utensils and Dishware for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Disability Non-Profit of the Month: Learning Disabilities Association of America Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- USA Today Investigation Incites Concerns About VA Hiring Practices
- Wheelchair Accessible Travel: Summer Trip Ideas in Michigan
- NFL Makes Moves to Include Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Early Intervention for Developmental Delays
FTCA cases
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Breech Presentation and Birth Asphyxia
- Why Babies with HIE May Have Multi-Organ Failure
- Long-Term Effects of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) & Basal Ganglia Brain Injury
- Long-Term Effects of Birth Asphyxia and Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Before Birth Linked to ADHD in Children
Labor Injuries
Michigan Birth Injury Attorney
- Medical Malpractice News: Scandal Rocks UNC Health Care’s Pediatric Heart Surgery Program
- Reiter & Walsh, P.C. Attorneys Named to The Best Lawyers in America List for 2016
- $15,000,000+ for Birth Injury Clients Every Year | HIE Lawyers in Michigan
Neonatal injuries
News & Events
- Reiter & Walsh Recognized in 2022 “Best Law Firms of America”
- ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Partner Receives “Lawyer of the Year” Award
- Jesse Reiter Receives “Lawyer of the Year” Award
- Intake Nurse Lesley Atton Donates 16 Inches of Hair to Wigs 4 Kids!
- Rebecca Walsh: The Newest Member of the Georgia State Bar
- Placental Complications During Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Vocab 101: Terms Your Doctor’s Using, And What They Mean in Plain English
- Fainting and Dizziness During Pregnancy
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum / Extreme Morning Sickness
- Compound Presentation
- Amniotic Fluid Leaks and Birth Injuries
- What Causes Neonatal Seizures in Babies?
- Covering the Cost of a NICU Stay
- Doulas: Who Are They and What Do They Do?
- Pregnancy Spotlight: Cholestasis of Pregnancy
- What Is the “Spinning Babies®” Method?
- Cost-effectiveness of betamethasone therapy for women at risk of delivering a premature baby (between 34 and 36 weeks)
- Stillbirths and Medical Malpractice: A Legal “Gap”
- What is G6PD Deficiency? How Does It Impact Newborn Babies?
- Advanced Maternal Age and Pregnancy Complications
- Are Artificial Wombs the Future for Preemie Care?
- What is a Patient’s Bill of Rights?
- Exercising to Reduce the Effects of Preeclampsia
- ¿Las pinzas pueden causar lesiones de nacimiento?
- Pérdida de Líquido Amniótico por Goteo
- ¿Qué es la Declaración de Derechos del Paciente?
- ¿Cuáles son las Causas de las Convulsiones en un Bebé?
- Efectos Causados por el Cordón Umbilical (Encefalopatía Neonatal)
- La Barrera del Lenguaje y la Mala Práctica Médica