ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers Cerebral Palsy Scholarship Winner

Jessilyn Matthias
University of Kansas
Our annual Cerebral Palsy Scholarship is designed to raise awareness about and celebrate the accomplishments of students with cerebral palsy. Our winner this year is Jessilyn Matthias – congratulations, Jessilyn!
About Jessilyn:
Jessilyn would like to work with people who have disabilities to teach them self-advocacy and life skills. Currently, she works at Opportunities Unlimited at Moscow, ID as a job coach/job developer. OUI is a nonprofit agency that provides job coaching and day programming for adults and children who have disabilities. OUI also works with Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation to find appropriate jobs and training in the community for adults who have disabilities. She is attending the University of Kansas online program “Graduate Certificate in Secondary Special Education and Transition” to earn a graduate certificate and learn how to support students receiving special education who are transitioning from high school to jobs or further education in their adult lives.