Our Case Results | Birth Injury Verdicts & Settlements

From our home base near Detroit, Michigan, the attorneys at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers (Reiter & Walsh, P.C.) handle cases across Michigan and throughout the United States. Our award-winning birth injury attorneys and medical experts are among the top in the nation, earning our place on the Michigan Lawyers Weekly‘s annual survey of “Million-Dollar Verdicts & Settlements.” We will tirelessly fight to obtain the compensation your family deserves, and no fees are paid to our firm until we win your case. The following birth injury and cerebral palsy case results are just a few of the multi-million dollar outcomes attained by our team.

How we calculate settlements & verdicts

Below, you’ll see our cases split into separate sections for verdicts and settlements. A verdict is a decision made by a jury or trial on a given case. A settlement is the formal resolution of a lawsuit between disputing parties that takes place without proceeding to a final court judgment. The first sum listed is the total value of the settlement or verdict plus the expected yield of the annuity chosen. This is the maximum value of the settlement or verdict, because it takes into account the value of the annuity as it increases over time. The second value is the total value of the settlement or verdict (which includes the cost of the annuity, costs and attorney fees, medical liens, and the value put into a special needs trust).

To see a detailed explanation of what the below numbers mean, please visit our page on how we calculate our verdicts and settlements.

Failure to recognize and timely treat neonatal sepsis in a premature baby lead to permanent brain injury, CP, physical, cognitive and developmental delays, cortical visual impairment and seizures.

Lack of oxygen in NICU period led to brain damage, resulting in CP and severe developmental delays.

Settlement for child with mild cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, and developmental delays due to delayed labor and forceps delivery

Settlement for twins with cerebral palsy and cognitive impairments due to undiagnosed and untreated chronic vessel disease in mother leading to placental abruption

Confidential Birth Injury Case

Failure to recognize arrest of labor and non-reassuring fetal heart tones on monitor, resulting in brain injury.

ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers secured a $1.1 million settlement for a child with severe cognitive disabilities due to traumatic delivery and neonatal hypoglycemia.

Confidential birth injury case