Delivery Room Errors and Birth Injury
Labor and delivery are complex processes, and medical staff must make fast and accurate decisions during birth. Medical staff can sometimes make mistakes that jeopardize the health of the mother and baby. Improper fetal monitoring, improper medication choices, improper use of forceps and vacuum extractors, and failure to provide a timely C-section can all cause preventable injury.

Types of delivery room errors
While birth injuries can occur as a result of improper prenatal care, often they result from delivery room errors made by hospital staff, doctors, or other healthcare professionals. Medical staff must constantly monitor a mother and baby during labor and delivery and, if problems arise, make quick and accurate decisions to ensure their safety. Sadly, this doesn’t always occur.
Improper fetal monitoring, failure to take immediate action when problems arise, incorrect medication administration, improper use of delivery instruments (forceps and vacuum extractors), and failure to timely perform c-sections are some of the most common delivery room errors. The results of these errors, unfortunately, can be devastating and cause permanent injury to the newborn child. Some common birth injuries include (1):
Sometimes, birth injuries can lead to permanent disabilities. These may include:

Proving delivery room errors | Birth injury cases
Discovering and understanding the complex events that take place in the delivery room requires not only legal expertise but also solid medical knowledge. At ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers, we work with premiere neurologists, neuroradiologists, obstetricians, labor nurses, child development specialists, therapists, life care planners, forensics experts, and more to identify delivery mistakes and determine the exact cause of a child’s birth injury. We have solid legal skills in birth injury litigation and an impressive record of success to back it up.

Birth injury attorneys helping victims of delivery room errors and birth injury
At ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers, our dedicated birth injury lawyers represent victims of delivery errors everyday. We are dedicated to helping clients obtain compensation for medical expenses and care to secure the future of their children.
Our birth injury attorneys represent clients across the country and are also equipped to handle FTCA (Federal Tort Claims Act) cases involving military medical malpractice and federally funded clinics.
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After the traumatic birth of my son, I was left confused, afraid, and seeking answers. We needed someone we could trust and depend on. ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers was just that.
- Michael
Helpful resources
- “Errors in fetal monitoring may result in birth injuries.”
- “Emergency C-sections: When 30 minutes is not fast enough.”
- “Lack of information, late C-section and delivery room error results in child with developmental delays; Reiter & Walsh negotiate a $2.05 million settlement.”
- “Delayed treatment of infant seizures can cause permanent brain damage.”
- “Vacuum deliveries: Serious potential risks involved.”
- “Are the risks associated with forceps too great?”
- Default – Stanford Children’s Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from