Types of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor disorder often caused by an injury to the parts of the brain that control movement. This condition is nonprogressive, which means it will not change as the person ages.
Everyone’s cerebral palsy can look different. CP can affect muscle tone, certain limbs, and communication ability. The severity can vary widely among individuals.

How many types of cerebral palsy are there?
Cerebral palsy is usually described as one of four types:
- spastic cerebral palsy
- ataxic cerebral palsy
- athetoid or dyskinetic cerebral palsy
- mixed cerebral palsy
These categories are based on the person’s muscle tone and the location of the brain injury. Several classification systems can describe someone’s cerebral palsy in more detail, like how much of the body CP affects or how much movement ability is impacted.
Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury
Cerebral palsy can be caused by a brain injury at birth. Unfortunately, birth injuries can occur due to medical malpractice or negligence. If mistakes are made or someone isn’t monitoring properly during a difficult labor, a child can suffer a permanent injury, resulting in a diagnosis like cerebral palsy.
If your child has cerebral palsy and had a difficult birth, ABC Law Centers may be able to help. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to afford the treatments and therapies your child will need to live the best life possible. Call us today for a free consultation – there are no fees unless we win your case.
How is cerebral palsy classified?
Because cerebral palsy is different for every individual, there are many ways to classify its severity. These categories help physicians diagnose cerebral palsy and determine what someone needs in regards to treatment, therapy, or care.
Cerebral palsy severity can be classified by the following:
- Limb Involvement: how many and which limbs are affected
- Muscle tone: hypertonic, hypotonic, or mixed
- GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System): levels of severity based on movement ability, functional ability, and reliance on assistive technology
- MACS (Manual Ability Classification System) – describes ability to manipulate things with one’s hands
- CFCS (Communication Function Classification System) – describes severity of communication ability
Types of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is usually labelled as spastic, ataxic, athetoid/dyskinetic, or mixed.
Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Spastic cerebral palsy is by far the most common type of cerebral palsy, comprising roughly 80% of all cases.
Children with spastic cerebral palsy have an injury in the upper motor neurons of the central nervous system. Spastic CP causes the muscles to be very tight and stiff, a condition known as hypertonia. Additional side effects of spastic cerebral palsy include joint deformities, scoliosis, hip dislocation, and more.
A person with spastic cerebral palsy typically has a “scissor gait,” which means that their knees and thighs may cross or touch while walking, and they may be crouched and walk on their tip toes.

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
Ataxic cerebral palsy is the least common type, occurring in roughly 5-10% of all CP cases.
Damage to the cerebellum can cause ataxic CP. Ataxic cerebral palsy mainly causes problems with balance, coordination, and fine motor skills. The child may have hypotonia and tremors. Someone with ataxic CP may have problems with balance and coordination (particularly while walking) and precise movements such as writing. It also is common for people with this type of cerebral palsy to have trouble seeing (depth perception and eye movement control), hearing, or speech.
In young children, hypotonia is a common manifestation of ataxic CP. Unlike the rare form of degenerative neurological disease ataxia, ataxic cerebral palsy is a non-progressive condition.

Athetoid or Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
Athetoid/dyskinetic cerebral palsy (ADCP) makes up 15-20% of CP cases.
This subtype is the result of damage to the basal ganglia, the part of the brain responsible for regulating voluntary movements. In many cases, ADCP is caused by hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy/HIE (brain damage due to a lack of oxygenated blood) or kernicterus (brain damage due to severe or improperly-managed jaundice).
Athetoid/dyskinetic cerebral palsy causes movements to be slow and writhing or fast and jerky. People with ADCP have mixed muscle tone. ADCP causes a combination of hypertonia (stiffness), hypotonia (limpness), and involuntary motions. Children with ADCP may have trouble sitting upright, walking, grasping objects, performing fine motor tasks, sucking, swallowing, and talking.

Mixed Cerebral Palsy
Mixed cerebral palsy involves a combination of symptoms that don’t all fit within a single subtype of CP. For example, a child may have both hypertonia and hypotonia. In other words, some of their muscles are too tight, while others are too loose.
Was your child diagnosed with HIE?
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain injury that can alter your child’s life forever. Unfortunately, HIE is often preventable, and may be caused by medical malpractice.
If you are uncertain about your child’s future after diagnoses of HIE and cerebral palsy, reach out to us at ABC Law Centers. We work exclusively with families like yours who have been affected by birth injuries. It’s free to call, and we charge no fees unless we win your case.
Pursuing legal action can cover costs like
- Medical expenses
- Treatments and therapies
- Lost wages
- Disability accommodations
- Loss of enjoyment of life
Your child deserves the best life possible, regardless of their diagnosis. Call our attorneys today to discuss your legal options. Our team is here to support you and secure the best future possible for your family.
Cerebral Palsy Classification Systems
Limb Involvement
This classification system categorizes by how many and which limbs cerebral palsy affects.

Type of Cerebral Palsy | # Limbs Affected | Location of Affected Limbs |
Monoplegic cerebral palsy (monoplegia; monoparesis) | 1 | Can be any one limb. |
Hemiplegic cerebral palsy | 2 | Limbs affected on the same side of the body (ex: left arm and left leg). |
Diplegic cerebral palsy | 2 | CP that affects two symmetrical limbs, usually the legs. However, other parts of the body may also be affected, to a lesser degree. |
Paraplegic cerebral palsy | 2 | Impairs the lower body, affecting both legs. |
Triplegic cerebral palsy | 3 | Impacts three limbs. |
Quadriplegic cerebral palsy | 4 | Involves all four limbs; other areas of the body may also be affected. |
+++Pentaplegic cerebral palsy | 5 | Impacts both legs, both arms, and the head and neck. |
Muscle Tone
Cerebral palsy may be described based on how muscle tone is impaired. Typically, this refers to hypertonic or hypotonic muscle.
Hypertonia refers to high muscle tone. Hypertonic muscles are stiff and rigid. Normally, muscles work in pairs; one muscle group contracts while the other relaxes. Hypertonic muscles all become active at the same time. This causes the person to have jerky movements and muscle spasms. The person may clench their fists, point their toes, or walk with a scissor gait (legs crossed).
Hypertonia is abnormally low muscle tone. Hypotonic muscles are limp, floppy, and relaxed. Someone with hypotonic muscles may have tremors or struggle with balance and coordination. Their muscles may be too loose to hold posture, and they can struggle to control eye and mouth movements.
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is a system that is used to classify infants, children, and adolescents with cerebral palsy into five groups based on the extent of movement impairment, age, and functional performance.
- Level 1: Movement is mildly affected, but the child can walk at home and places out of the home. They can climb stairs, run, and jump. However, they may struggle with balance, coordination, and speed.
- Level 2: The child can walk in most environments, but have difficulty with long distances, balancing on difficult terrain, or in crowds. They may need to use a railing to climb stairs or rely on a cane or other mobility device for extended outings.
- Level 3: The child commonly uses a mobility device like a walker at home and out of the home. They may need a wheeled mobility device for long distances.
- Level 4: The child needs a mobility device pushed by someone or a powered mobility device in most situations. At home, they may walk for short periods or with help.
- Level 5: The child’s movement is extremely limited. They need someone else to move a wheelchair for them. They may struggle to hold their head or torso upright and may not be able to control leg and arm movements.
Manual Ability Classification System (MACS)
The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) categorizes cerebral palsy based on an individual’s ability to manipulate objects with their hands, which is closely tied to one’s ability to complete tasks independently. The MACS is applicable to children ages 4-18.
Communication Function Classification System (CFCS)
The Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) categorizes individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities based on everyday communication performance. As with the GMFCS and the MACS, the CFCS has five levels that represent increasing severity.
- CFCS Level I: The person can effectively send and receive communicative information with unfamiliar and familiar partners.
- CFCS Level II: The person effectively, but slowly, sends and receives communicative information with both unfamiliar and familiar partners.
- CFCS Level III: The person is usually able to effectively send and receive communication information with familiar partners, but may struggle to communicate with unfamiliar partners.
- CFCS Level IV: The person inconsistently sends and receives communication information with familiar partners, and rarely can communicate with unfamiliar partners.
- CFCS Level V: The person rarely communicates effectively, even with familiar people.

Legal Help for Cerebral Palsy
At ABC Law Centers, we focus exclusively on families affected by birth injury. Many of the families we work with have a child with severe cerebral palsy due to medical negligence. We are deeply familiar with the emotional and financial struggles that families like yours experience every day.
Our attorneys have an extensive understanding of obstetrical medicine and the factors that can result in a birth injury. More importantly, we care about families like yours who are struggling with providing the best life for their child after a diagnosis like cerebral palsy or HIE.
It’s difficult to face the reality that medical malpractice may have harmed your child. Our attorneys at ABC Law Centers are here to help. We have in-house nurse consultants and leading medical experts who will comb over your medical records to understand the circumstances around your child’s difficult birth. Our dedicated legal team has access to all the resources needed to secure the best future possible for your child.
We charge no fees unless we win your case. Call us today for a free consultation. If medical malpractice may have been involved in your child’s cerebral palsy, we can help bring you peace of mind, justice for your family, and a brighter, more stable future for your child.
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