Treating Cerebral Palsy with Adeli Suit Therapy
What is an Adeli Suit?
The Adeli suit was developed for rehabilitating children and adults with cerebral palsy. The suit consists of several components connected via a set of tension-bearing rubber bands, plastic elements, or metal springs:
- A vest or shoulder pads
- A wide belt around the hips or shorts
- Knee pads
- Shoes specially adapted to connect them with the rest of the suit.
The interconnecting elements between the suit’s parts mirror the connections of the human muscles: flexors, extensors, adductors and rotators of the trunk and lower extremities. It is possible to add additional connecting elements to correct the alignment of the shoulder girdle, trunk, hips, knees and feet, as well as for much more precise functions.

How is the Adeli Suit Used to Treat Cerebral Palsy?
The important aspect of the Adeli Suit is that it does not limit the child’s voluntary movements, but does require more effort in order to create a particular desired movement. The bands can be adjusted to have either more or less tension during sessions, and are able to externally influence the tension of certain muscle groups of the trunk and lower extremities. The suit is individually adapted to fit the child’s height and does not affect the upper extremities.
History of the Adeli Suit
In the 1960s, there was an intensive development of cosmonaut technologies. Research was performed to determine the influence of the lack of gravity and hipokinesis on the human body. Researchers discovered that a person surrounded by an environment with no gravitational pull displayed changes in their nervous, circulatory, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
In 1971, a professor created a suit called the “Penguin,” with the goal of combating the negative effects of an environment without gravity. One of the crucial components of the Penguin suit is the system of elastic rubber bands that force the skeletal and cardiac muscles to work, which is of particular importance for cosmonauts. The suit stimulates bodily exertion during space flight.
Shortly after the Penguin suit was created, the LK-92 Adeli suit was developed for rehabilitating children and adults with cerebral palsy.

Legal Help for Cerebral Palsy
Affording treatment and therapy for a child with cerebral palsy can often be very overwhelming for a parent. Therapy sessions, adaptive equipment, and other care and lifestyle resources are both expensive and time-consuming. At Reiter & Walsh ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers, our birth injury attorneys have helped numerous families afford important medical, rehabilitation and lifestyle resources. If your loved one was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a permanent injury, or another disability that resulted from an instance of medical malpractice, we encourage you to reach out for legal help today.
For a free case review, please contact our Detroit, Michigan birth injury law firm in any of the ways listed below. You will be connected with an experienced birth injury attorney from our team for your free legal consultation. Our no-fee promise ensures that, should we take your case, you will not be charged until we win or settle in your favor. Our legal team looks forward to speaking with you.
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