Can Infant Seizures Cause Brain Injuries?

Breech Presentation and Birth Asphyxia

Mismanagement of breech presentation caused a little boy to experience a lack of oxygen to his brain, which caused hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), seizures & cerebral palsy....

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Mixed Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) exists in a variety of different forms, and its symptoms vary significantly from person to person. Some people with severe CP use a wheelchair to help them get around, while people with mild CP might use a walker or crutches. All people with CP experience some sort of movement or posture impairment,...

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What Causes Neonatal Seizures in Babies?

When a newborn baby begins to have seizures, parents wonder what is causing the seizures, how neonatal seizures are treated, if seizures mean the baby has a brain injury, and if the baby will have lifelong problems. Parents also want to know if the medical team did something wrong during or near the time of birth that caused the baby to have a brain injury, resulting in seizures....

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2Cell transplantation is a promising new avenue for treating cerebral palsy (CP). Previous research has shown that stem cell therapy can help children with cerebral palsy; a study published this month indicates that treatment with macrophages may also be effective.  Essentially, macrophages are cells that can repair damaged brain tissue and blood vessels, thereby enhancing...

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Birth asphyxia occurs when a baby’s brain is deprived of oxygen shortly before, during, or after birth. This may be due to an interruption in the transportation of oxygenated blood from a mother to her unborn baby, an issue with blood circulation within the baby’s body, or (if it happens after birth) an airway blockage....

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