What is an Orthosis?

What is an Orthosis?

Orthotic devices (technically referred to as orthosis) are a type of brace or other wearable that serves one or more of the following purposes: Improvement of mobility Immobilization of an injured body part to promote healing Correction of biomechanical misalignments Prevention of injuries Reduction of weight bearing and pain Are orthotics expensive? Do they require...

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Psychologists across the country agree that a key element of self-care during the quarantine and isolation periods associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is staying connected to one another. Most disability service centers that normally provide adult day programs, support groups, recreational activities, and events have had to shut down in order to maintain the safety...

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People with cerebral palsy and other conditions that affect motor control often struggle to use traditional dining utensils and dishware. Spastic reflexes, muscle weakness, and limited range of motion can make it difficult to eat and drink without spilling. Some people with motor impairments require assistance from others at mealtimes. Adaptive eating utensils and dishware...

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Many people with cerebral palsy have a difficult time writing due to limitations in muscular function, fine motor control, joint function, and range of motion. Fortunately, there are many types of assistive tools and technologies that can help people with cerebral palsy to write with greater ease. These can be broken down into a few...

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