When a healthcare provider deviates from standards of care, it can lead to pregnancy negligence, a type of medical malpractice. Their errors can rob families of joy, replacing it with a lifetime of expensive medical care. Filing a pregnancy negligence claim can recover financial compensation to use for critical treatment, specialized therapies, and other long-term...
The placenta is an organ that grows in the uterus during pregnancy. It provides nutrients and oxygen to the baby and removes waste from the baby’s blood. Unfortunately, placental complications can occur that can impact both mom and her baby’s health. Medical staff must monitor the pregnancy and respond appropriately to any placental complications to...
During their education, doctors learn “medical jargon.” This refers to words and phrases that are useful when communicating with other medical professionals, but may be very confusing to patients. The best doctors are careful not to overwhelm their patients with complicated terminology. They use simple language to explain what is going on (unless the patient...
According to the American Pregnancy Association, dizziness and fainting are very common during pregnancy as a result of the drastic hormonal and metabolic changes the body goes through during the first trimester. These changes can lower the mother’s blood pressure and/or blood sugar, causing them to feel dizzy or faint. In the second trimester, the...
Every day, our nurses and attorneys receive calls from expectant mothers with concerns about symptoms they’re experiencing during their pregnancy. They’re curious if their symptoms are normal, and they wonder what their next steps should be. Patients should always visit a medical professional with concerns and receive appropriate care for maternal-fetal conditions and illnesses that...
Compound presentation occurs when the part of the fetus closest to the birth canal (usually the head) presents with an extremity next to it (usually hand or arm) (1). This condition is extremely rare; it’s estimated to affect less than 0.004% of pregnancies. What causes compound presentation? Compound presentation can occur as a result of...
If amniotic fluid begins leaking during pregnancy, it may increase the baby’s risk of experiencing a birth injury. Sometimes, it may be difficult to determine if a pregnant person is leaking amniotic fluid or another substance, such as urine or vaginal discharge. Consult a doctor if there is any uncertainty. What is amniotic fluid? During...
When a newborn baby begins to have seizures, parents wonder what is causing the seizures, how neonatal seizures are treated, if seizures mean the baby has a brain injury, and if the baby will have lifelong problems. Parents also want to know if the medical team did something wrong during or near the time of birth that caused the baby to have a brain injury, resulting in seizures....