When a healthcare provider deviates from standards of care, it can lead to pregnancy negligence, a type of medical malpractice. Their errors can rob families of joy, replacing it with a lifetime of expensive medical care. Filing a pregnancy negligence claim can recover financial compensation to use for critical treatment, specialized therapies, and other long-term...
The Birth Injury Blog
The placenta is an organ that grows in the uterus during pregnancy. It provides nutrients and oxygen to the baby and removes waste from the baby’s blood. Unfortunately, placental complications can occur that can impact both mom and her baby’s health. Medical staff must monitor the pregnancy and respond appropriately to any placental complications to...
The STAR Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) defines sensory processing as “the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses.” SPD occurs when these sensory signals are not detected by the brain or are not matched with the correct responses. This can cause a...
During their education, doctors learn “medical jargon.” This refers to words and phrases that are useful when communicating with other medical professionals, but may be very confusing to patients. The best doctors are careful not to overwhelm their patients with complicated terminology. They use simple language to explain what is going on (unless the patient...
It is well known that soldiers returning home from war often develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition marked by flashbacks to a trauma, hyperalertness, avoidance of situations that trigger upsetting memories, and negative emotions such as guilt or shame. However, fewer people know that parents commonly experience similar symptoms after their babies spend time...
Orthotic devices (technically referred to as orthosis) are a type of brace or other wearable that serves one or more of the following purposes: Improvement of mobility Immobilization of an injured body part to promote healing Correction of biomechanical misalignments Prevention of injuries Reduction of weight bearing and pain Are orthotics expensive? Do they require...
Monitoring babies at risk for seizure activity is crucial because delayed treatment can result in permanent brain damage....
There are 102,000 children in the U.S. foster care system waiting to be adopted. Children with special circumstances (whether they are older children, are siblings, have disabilities, or they have complex medical needs) have an average wait of nearly 4 years in the foster care system. We are going to focus on those children with...