Thousands of Americans with disabilities have undergone sterilization procedures without providing informed consent. Beginning in the early 1900s, supporters of the eugenics movement sought to sterilize those with cognitive impairments in order to “cleanse” the human gene pool of “undesirable” traits. This was sanctioned by many state governments, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court...

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La asfixia neonatal ocurre cuando un bebé no nacido no recibe suficiente oxígeno. Esto puede deberse a muchos factores, como la compresión o el prolapso del cordón umbilical, contracciones excesivas o problemas relacionados con negligencia médica (como la incapacidad de un médico para manejar adecuadamente el sufrimiento fetal). La asfixia neonatal puede causar una grave...

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Una palabra mal entendida hizo que Willie Ramírez, de 18 años, se hiciera tetrapléjico. Era el año 1980. Ramírez estaba disfrutando de una noche cuando sintió un dolor repentino y agudo. “Sentí como si alguien me estuviera metiendo una aguja en la cabeza”, relató en una entrevista reciente para Health Affairs. Ramírez logró llegar de...

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), previously called hyaline membrane disease (HMD), is a newborn health condition characterized by breathing difficulty. It occurs when a baby’s body does not produce enough of a lung-lubricating substance called surfactant. Babies with RDS have trouble expanding their lungs, which can make it difficult for them to take in oxygen and...

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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or G6PD, is an enzyme in the body that helps protect red blood cells from injury. When an individual suffers from G6PD deficiency, a genetic disease, he or she fails to make an adequate amount of this enzyme, thereby putting red blood cells in danger of cell death (1). While this condition ranges...

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Sensory-Friendly Movies and Entertainment

Going to the movies can be stressful for children with autism, sensory processing disorders, or developmental disabilities. Things like theater lighting, the volume of the movie, and having to sit still quietly may cause distress. This often causes families with children with developmental disabilities to leave a movie early or decide against going to the...

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2Cell transplantation is a promising new avenue for treating cerebral palsy (CP). Previous research has shown that stem cell therapy can help children with cerebral palsy; a study published this month indicates that treatment with macrophages may also be effective.  Essentially, macrophages are cells that can repair damaged brain tissue and blood vessels, thereby enhancing...

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A meta-analysis published in the 2018 edition of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment suggests that rhythmic auditory cueing may be a valuable technique to improve gait in individuals with cerebral palsy (1). Many people with cerebral palsy walk with what is known as “scissor gait,” a mobility pattern characterized by leg rigidity and an inward turn...

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