Southfield, Michigan Birth Injury Attorneys
Thousands of babies are born in the Southfield area each year. Most of the time, the babies are healthy. But when a birth injury occurs, it can be devastating.

The nationally-recognized attorneys at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers have been helping children with birth injuries from medical malpractice in Southfield and throughout the nation for almost three decades. Jesse Reiter, the firm’s founder, has been focusing solely on birth injury cases his entire 28+ year career. Jesse helps children all over the country, and when he takes a case, he spends a lot of time getting to know the child and family he is helping so he can fully understand the child’s needs. Jesse has won many awards for his advocacy of children, and has been consistently recognized as a leader in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury law in Michigan.
Jesse and the rest of the team of birth injury attorneys at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers are passionate about helping children obtain all the support, therapy and treatment they need so they have a good quality of life and a secure future. Our attorneys and in-house nurse consultants, in addition to our network of leading medical experts, will carefully review all medical records to determine if negligence occurred. Once our team identifies malpractice, we aggressively fight to obtain compensation for lifelong care and support of the child, which typically includes treatment, medical devices, housing, and education.
It’s important to note that birth injury cases have a limited time that they can be filed by. In Michigan, the statute is two years for a parent to file a claim as an adult, and the child’s 10th birthday to file a case on behalf of a minor. Statutes are subject to change, and even vary depending on location and/or the facility type the birth occurred in. Contact us today to verify your statute and explore your legal options.

Attorneys at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers have helped advise parents with birth injury cases for 25 years.
We are glad to consult with you and answer your questions, absolutely free.
Common Birth Injury Cases
The most common types of birth injuries and conditions that our attorneys typically find in cases are:
- Cerebral palsy
- Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
- Erb’s palsy / brachial plexus injuries
- Periventricular leukomalacia
- Hydrocephalus
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Developmental delays and learning disabilities
If physicians don’t follow standards of care and properly manage conditions that occur during pregnancy, labor and delivery, birth injuries can occur. Common causes of birth injuries include the following:
- Placenta previa
- Umbilical cord problems, such as a nuchal cord or umbilical cord prolapse
- Failure to quickly deliver a baby when fetal distress is evident on the fetal heart rate monitor (delayed emergency C-section)
- Oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid)
- Anesthesia mistakes, which can cause blood pressure problems in the mother, including a hypotensive crisis
- Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) / premature birth
- Prolonged and arrested labor
- Ruptured uterus (womb)
- Placental abruption
- Postmaturity syndrome
- Fetal stroke
- Preeclampsia / eclampsia
- Intracranial hemorrhages
Get Legal Help

Birth injury law is a difficult area of law to pursue due to the complex nature of the medical records. The award-winning Southfield, Michigan birth injury attorneys at ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers have decades of experience with birth injury cases, and have won numerous awards for their advocacy of children. To find out if you have a case, contact our firm to speak with an experienced attorney. We handle cases throughout the nation. We have numerous multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements that attest to our success, and no fees are ever paid to our firm unless we win your case.
We handle cases all across the state, including the following cities:
Detroit ▪️ Dearborn ▪️ Lansing ▪️ Ann Arbor ▪️ Grand Rapids
Birth injury attorney Jesse Reiter discusses cerebral palsy causes, diagnoses, and case review.